We Love Our Friends, and So Will You!

Lia Neil, friend of Las Vegas Cocker Rescue.

Rescue Rewards Program
Help support your rescue organization while offering your new pet the freedom to come and go as he pleases by purchasing a Hale Pet Door™, the most energy efficient, attractive and secure pet door on the market.
Redeem this completed rescue rewards coupon by calling the telephone number below and you will receive a 10% discount off the purchase price of a Hale Pet Door product; and in turn, Hale will donate 10% back to your rescue organization.
You can order via our website at www.halepetdoor.com and let us know that you adopted from this group in the appropriate section of the order form.
Hale's quality pet doors come in 10 models and 11 standard sizes with custom sizing available and four color choices - Anodized Aluminum, White, Dark Bronze and Arizona Beige. To meet the standards of Hale Pet Door™, all of our doors are constructed of only the highest quality materials. We are pleased to offer pet-friendly security solutions that are viable alternatives to electronic pet doors. We also have security barriers to help prevent intrusion of unwanted animals and humans.
For additional information, pricing and ordering, call
toll free 888-293-6411
or visit our web site at www.halepetdoor.com.
At Home Dog Training
"No Shock Collars, Choke Chains, Clickers or Treats Needed"
The Original “At Home Dog Training” of Las Vegas, Nevada
Your Trusted Local Dog Trainer
The industry pioneer who has trained our four legged family members since 1978. Using his program that is based on respect, compassion, and understanding.
Dennis with At Home Dog Training is NOT a franchise, he has created the “TRUE positive reinforcement program”.™ His proven problem solving course is taught in the relaxed privacy of your own home.
Neither the age nor the breed of your dog is a factor, as the course is tailored to fit your individual dog. You DO NOT have to catch your dog in the act of misbehaving, this is unique to At Home Dog Training only. Class times are accommodated around your busy schedule.
Call today and speak with Dennis to set up your FREE, no obligation evaluation.